What You Should Know About Our Sound Healing Program

Integrity Is Everything

Over the past years, sound healing has become mainstream. It is now a major industry encompassing software, gadgets, musical instruments, and educational agencies offering certificates in sound healing.

Sound therapists and healers are appearing everywhere…

Many of them have the best intentions to make the world a better place with less suffering! Unfortunately, there is often a significant gap between their intentions and their "know-how."

Some practitioners attempt to bring their audience to a state of harmony without questioning whether their instruments are indeed harmonic. Some don't even know the definition of harmony in music.

Harmony has a mathematical foundation, but unfortunately, mathematics, music theory, and even the skills of deep listening are often overlooked by many sound healing academies.

Finding such knowledge isn't easy because the majority of schools merely replicate the same information, such as working with "special" frequencies and applying Western music notes to chakras.

Before taking on the responsibility to heal with sound, you may want to truly understand what sound is!

To become confident in your practice, you must be familiar with physics, music theory, the specifics of musical instruments, and many other subjects, including basic physiology and psychoacoustics.

If you neglect these fundamental subjects, you create a blind spot in your relationship with your art. This is a question of integrity!

My name is Guy Yair Beider. For many years, I sought a practice that would help me become a better version of myself and bring benefits to others.

In 2007, my path led me to the sound of Himalayan singing bowls. The moment I heard the complex simplicity of the singing bowl for the first time, I was breathless. It felt as though the world had stopped. I knew immediately that I had to learn about these instruments.

Due to the lack of reliable information, much of what I learned made little sense to me. YouTube videos of people striking sacred instruments loudly made me skeptical. I was drawn to the subtle beauty of sound and committed to unveiling and sharing this beauty.

I purchased several singing bowls and began to gently play hypnotic sequences for individuals and groups.

Singing bowls and the audience became my best teachers.

For a better understanding of the dynamics between my instruments, I began to explore the acoustical properties of each singing bowl. I delved into judicious listening and the study of musicology, physics, psychoacoustics, and psychology.

Now, I was both feeling and understanding what was happening.

Since 2010, I've conducted hundreds of sound journeys. I've been blessed to witness and document real miracles happening to my audience. These miracles made me confident and motivated to share my expertise with you.

I have put together a practical program that speaks to the heart and both brain hemispheres. It reveals missing links and knowledge that no other academy of sound healing provides.

This program is designed to guide you step-by-step through the world of symbiosis between sound and humanity.

The class is structured for sound practitioners of all levels and those who aspire to become one, to transform and become confident creators of therapeutic arts.

  • You will be led into the most subtle details of working with sound and will get answers to questions that could take years to discover on your own.
  • You won’t feel lost anymore when hearing or reading about the properties of sound because you’ll learn the physics of sound. 
  • You won’t feel overwhelmed when analyzing musical compositions, as you’ll become familiar with the main principles of music theory.
  • You will be able to differentiate the myths widely offered in the sound healing market from the facts. 
  • You will learn to listen consciously, and how to compose your sonic journeys to guide the audience into a transformative practice.
  • You will delve deep into the fine nuances of psychoacoustics and understand how to evoke desired listening responses (mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical).
  • You will be educated about the real origins of Himalayan singing bowls, their types, sonic characteristics, and most effective practical uses. Additionally, you’ll receive a buyer’s guide and listening exercises to develop your skills as a quality evaluator.
  • You’ll have the opportunity to participate in what my students and my colleagues teachers call a "Ph.D. in singing bowls practical lab," which is a revolutionary and unique way to reveal the dynamics of singing bowls.
  • You will learn about operating with the pulse of singing bowls, choosing harmonious instruments, assembling coherent sets, sculpting the space with overtones, connecting tones into a sentence, building a bridge between instruments that speak different languages, and many more breathtaking skills.
  • You will be introduced to the most popular sound healing instruments used in the field and learn to thoughtfully play them. 
  • You will be guided on how to facilitate your sound experience in the safest, most ethical, and thoughtful manner possible.
  • You’ll receive recommended setups and scenarios for the best experience, along with a survey of professional sound workers sharing what should be avoided during sound journeys.

I am very much looking forward to seeing you in the class and responding to your comments and questions. I take this mission with humility, great honor, and even even greater responsibility.

Truly yours,

Guy Yair Beider